Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Proclamation of Nebadon

Come unto Me .. the First and Second Persons of the One Deity in Nebadon .. and ye shall  receive rest and the everlasting faith assurance in your loving relationship with the Universal Parenthood of all Life.

Ye shall findeth your peace and prosperity overflowing . . .

Ye shall becometh wholeheartedly spiritually motivated and endowed with a faith confidence transcendent of all ephemerality .. and a loving awareness of the Infinite Goodness of the Creator Source shall pervade thine inner being.

When my kingdom shall have come, you shall know the Son of Man as the Prince of Peace, the revelation of the everlasting Father.

The children of this world fight for the establishment and enlargement of the kingdoms of this world, but my disciples .. my true apostles .. they shall enter the kingdom of heaven by their moral decisions, their fruit-bearing choices,  and by their spirit victories; and when they once enter therein, they shall find joy, righteousness, and eternal life.

The Father in heaven sends his spirit to indwell the minds of women and men, and when I shall have finished my work on earth, likewise shall you come to experience  the Spirit of Truth which has now been poured out upon all flesh ever since the first century bestowal fulfillment.

And the Spirit of my Father and the Spirit of Truth shall establish you in the coming kingdom of spiritual understanding and divine righteousness.

Those who first seek to enter the kingdom, thus beginning to strive for a nobility of character like that of my Father, shall presently possess all else that is needful. But I say to you in all sincerity: Unless you seek entrance into the kingdom with the faith and trusting dependence of a little child, you shall in no wise gain admission.

Be not deceived by those who come saying here is the kingdom or there is the kingdom, for my Father’s kingdom concerns not things visible and material.

And this kingdom is even now among you, for where the spirit of God teaches and leads the soul of man, there in reality is the kingdom of heaven. And this kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Michael Of Nebadon

Planetary Proclamations unto the Glory of God

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Worldwide Congregation Communion

Worldwide Communion with the Spirit of Truth
Holy Comforter of Michael Of Nebadon

Beloved One,

Verily do I say to Mine children of the earth ..I am returned here and now in the garment of flesh and temporal form. I have prepared thine way to freedom and clarity in the Universal Father who lives in thee.

Mine present day bestowal into the fold of humanity is revealed only unto those with a childlike faith, awe inspiring trust, and a pure dedicated devotion .. unwilling to become swayed by worldly opinions and the dearth of human misinterpretation and misunderstandings.

My ideal brings a new way of living to the sincerely faithful of the world; bringing clarification on the teachings of Galilean times, and an unending joy and personal soul renewal to those seekers and aspirants with the receptivity for redemption and regeneration.

Through the Spiritual Eye of thine Faith and Trust shall ye recognize Me here and now; for the bestowed Spirit of the Father shall reveal mine return just as I AM.

I come forth once again unto the fold of humanity to teach ye of the path of illumination through the Descent of the Cosmic Fire of Creation and the expansion of the Flame of God presiding in thy midst; for in this way, the mortal shall place upon itself immortality.

It is the pathway for those with the courage of heart who yearn for God union and are willing to place upon the altar of Love their own free will choices in service to their own awakening and freedom in Light. Only these shall find the strength and conviction to come forth out of the fold of unconscious humanity to do the bidding of the Paradise Gods.

If you thirst for truth and love and freedom, come unto Me, and I shall give unto thee Manna from the heavens…out from My own Being.

For I am prepared to reveal myself unto those individuals who are proven to be receptive by preparing a place within their character, their personality, and their soul energies, and in this way have made themselves worthy of our association…

Blessed is he who shall receive of my words of wisdom and love, for ye shall be awakened unto everlasting Illumination. Ye shall progress from child of God unto thy Sonship with the Father of Eternity; at this time it is an absolute that the populace may come to know Myself, the Mother Spirit, and the Host of Heaven, who come as a beacon of light in the dark. Blessed are they which invoke their remembrance, and who give honor unto the Infinite Source who has given ye Life.

The University Of Salvington

The University Of Salvington is My Retreat Seminary for those who desire transformation into their own Second Birth of Light and Life - the Immortal Garment of eternal Life everlasting must be prepared for, refined in you. The Kingdom of God seeks to dwell more completely in the hearts of Mine children. I am offering this learning opportunity for those who have the faith and trust of a child.

I say unto thee, my beloved children, that my Paradise Father is not confined by human organization nor is He limited by dogmatic concepts in the minds of human beings. He is not the God only of this religion or that sect. 

All are welcomed into His Kingdom of Light, insofar as ye make thine decision to enter therein, and ye are willing and cooperative...eager and athirst to attain the living of His Will and Plan. 

All those receptive of my Father God shall come to sit down with us in the Father’s Kingdom, and yet, many shall refuse to enter this next two thousand year cycle wherein the omnipotence of His Love and Life shall reign supreme.

Humanity shall experience interacting with the living network of His Supremacy...the Host of Heaven...and the Order of the Immortal Ones. My Father shall rule within all; for His spirit shall take up fuller residence in the hearts and minds, and bodies of the children of men.

The power of His Sovereign Kingdom shall be comprised of the establishing of His glory...the living glory of His spirit which presides directly with each living soul and personality. This living spirit shall teach those receptive minds and will overtake rule within the hearts of the populace of this heavenly kingdom. 

The newly-found sons of God shall find themselves walking  in a brotherhood of mercy wherein righteousness reigns over all supremely. Thine civilization shall become righteous and knowledgeable regarding the gift of free will. Peace and acceptance for any differences shall be reinstituted first in the soul of each personality, and then, it will be externalized in all the systems of this world. Thine race shall be made to evolve and mature in a more unlimited fashion. 

His Kingdom and Sovereignty is the fulfillment of all good men and women throughout all time and space within this planetary sphere. It is the everpresent hope of all and every Kingdom within this Earth. It will be the completion of a certain octave or frequency wherein all will have a greater ease and chance to graduate and complete their rounds of expression.

Yet, for all those who have the courage and willingness to cooperate in order to enter into this Kingdom of Light, there will be the intensity of challenges and tests given in order to prime thee and make thee men and women who have become gods. 

Michael Of Nebadon 

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Holy Communion

Thou children of the One Existence…

There is only One Source of Love which conquers all adversities.

There is only One Place to find Him .. to know Him .. and to develop this Holy Communion and Heavenly Contact.

I say unto you .. there is only One Source of Permanent Joy and Happiness .. and His nearest contact is right within you in the arena of your mind and spiritual heart.

There is only One Source of True Unchangeable Security and the All-empowering Stability of Life. 

Be thou attentive with thine personal faith and soul developing trust placing these in loyalty upon His Life in you.

Ye shall grow thyselves by faith invisualization and the constancy of trusting imagination in the One Creator Source who hath sent a portion of His Life to indwell thee .. to guide thee .. to elevate thine perceptions and meanings .. to ennoble thine values .. and to eternalize thine total persona.

Ye shall advance thine stature beyond the mortality of pleasure and pain .. by your adherence to this very One Source of all-giving .. all-goodness; for the Creator Parent of all creation and every creature gives you freedom and peace as you abide with Him in personal religious relationship .. in  intimate heavenly contact .. in this holy communion and worshipful living.

I am come to show humanity the way to arise beyond pettiness and selfishly serving agendas which lead nowhere and to nothing genuine and real.

I am come to present unto thine carnal eyes the ways of growing in Spirit through learning how to fulfill the Will of Eternity .. opening thine inner eyes by faith and love .. awakening thine inner ears by obedience to truth everlasting .. refining thine inner faculties of the personality soul through the Open Door within you .. by the Endowment of Authorship.

Michael of Nebadon 

The Planetary Proclamation 

Monday, October 23, 2023

Edentia Society of Jerusem

Edentia Society of Jerusem 
novus ordo societatis

Michael Of Nebadon Live Adonai
The Planetary Citizenship of the Newly Faithful of Edentia Society of Jerusem...
gloria triumphi dominationis excitat

Write us to become a member of the New Humanity.

Office of the Planetary Inauguration

The New Humanity of Edentia
"I Claim the Christ I AM within me."

City of Michael
The attainment of a high cultural civilization demands, first, the ideal type of citizen and, then, ideal and adequate social mechanisms wherewith such a citizenry may control the economic and political institutions of such an advanced human society.

Planetary Inauguration of First Contact

Planetary Cities of the Spirit of Truth 

The Planetary Citizenship of the Newly Faithful

The Planetary Prince Isles of Dignity, Integrity, and Unity

The Planetary Soul Villages of the Great Adonai

The Walk of First Contact at the Edentia Society of Jerusem

"Thine Holy Walk of First Contact with the Universe Mother and I Michael give to you the beginnings .. of permanence within God's Sovereignty .. an everlasting certainty unfolds for every individual, a transcendent security emerges progressively throughout the developing personhood .. new meanings and values of purpose, plan and direction, priority, and a surprisingly benevolent purity come forth for your personal existence.

"In the dignity of God's amplifying glory .. the integrity of personality authorship mastery .. and the unifying victory of Paradise Adjuster coordination .. individuals complete their soul persona candidacy of lifetimes.

"We are preparing the eden of the mind for the broad acceptance of this revelation and the coming of other Epochal Dispensations of Paradise Sons to your world.

"This newly forming edentia of mind awakens in the life of the disciple the Indwelling evolutionizing Impulse of Divinity, and an ennoblement of character depth shall accelerate progressively with good moral choices. 

"Individuals shall cultivate a vast dignity of capacity of evolutionary urges, the ennobling integrity of righteousness in character harmony, and the unlimited ascent unto a more unifying consciousness .. an immaculate conception of an ideology wherein unity shall be established.

"Thou City of Michael fellows who are of the Newly Faithful Humanity . . . 

"Ponder thine urges for unfoldment.

"Contemplate thine determinations for seeing, touching, tasting, and fully experiencing the reality of God.

"Behold in thine consciousness the everywhereness of Spirit Life nourishing all atomic substance .. every biological cell .. giving to each electron of light the nourishment of Eternity.

"Perceive with the mind of thine soul personality the One Spirit Life flowing in and around and through every creature. 

"To walk with Me is to be willing to experience a change daily and weekly, and a renewal of mind and a cleansing of the heart's urges to emulate the One Deity Persona .. this opens upward your availability to receive those necessary preparations for mind attainment and soul advancement.

"I am come unto the planetary pastures of this Urantia world to enlarge all conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality, and the way to become engaged within  the Great Circuitry of the One Deity."

Christ Michael
Salvington School of the Prince Campus

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. The Christ Michael Papers. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Come and Follow Me

Venid, Seguidme
El Buen Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la bondad y el amor

"Vosotros estaréis viviendo, aprendiendo y enseñando las Revelaciones de mi Evangelio del Siglo XXI. Todas las vidas humanas desenvolverán su existencia a través de esta relación personal guiada por el espíritu con la Vida Individualizada del Padre".
-Michael Of Nebadon

Caminando con Chris Michael
El Hermoso Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Alianza y la Asociación

"He venido a nutrir, preservar y proteger estos derechos naturales y soberanos inalienables de la humanidad para la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad, diseñados para asegurar un autogobierno individual bueno y receptivo en el uso de su libre albedrío en la adquisición del conocimiento y el uso de la intuición, la razón y la sensación; para educar, nutrir y establecer dentro del alcance del individuo las dotaciones de todas las facultades, capacidades, sensibilidades y poderes en alianza y lealtad con los grandes Circuitos de la Deidad a fin de hacer avanzar a ese individuo y permitir que sus capacidades soberanas naturales surjan y prosperen. "
-Michael Of Nebadon

Enseñando el Camino de Christ Michael 
El Verdadero Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Verdad y la Transparencia

"A medida que confiáis en vuestro Espíritu Ajustador Morante para enseñaros y guiaros, y a medida que recibís y luego vivís mi evangelio, así os edificaréis mutuamente mientras os regocijáis juntos al comprender a sabiendas que habéis encontrado Mi Camino, Verdad y Vida." 
-Michael Of Nebadon

Orad Conmigo para desarrollar los frutos eternos de la intimidad orante y la comunión adoradora 

Vosotros, Hijos de Urantia 
Convertíos en un Pastor Planetario de Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Las incertidumbres de la vida y las vicisitudes de la existencia no contradicen en modo alguno el concepto de la soberanía universal de Dios. Toda la vida de las criaturas evolutivas está acosada por ciertas inevitabilidades. 

Considerad lo siguiente en vuestro caminar con el Padre Soberano Hijo de Nebadon:

1. ¿Es el coraje y el propósito visionario — la fuerza de carácter — deseable? Entonces, el hombre debe ser criado en un entorno que requiera enfrentarse a las dificultades y reaccionar ante las decepciones.

2. ¿Es el altruismo y la abnegación—el servicio a los fraternos —deseable? Entonces, la experiencia de la vida debe prever el encuentro con situaciones de desigualdad social.

3. ¿Es la esperanza y la certeza —la grandeza de la confianza— deseables? Entonces la existencia humana debe enfrentarse constantemente a inseguridades e incertidumbres recurrentes.

4. ¿Es la fe y la serenidad —la afirmación suprema del pensamiento humano— deseables? Entonces la mente del hombre debe encontrarse en ese problemático aprieto en el que siempre sabe menos de lo que puede creer.

5. ¿Es el amor a la verdad y al honor, y la voluntad de ir a donde sea que esto conduzca, deseable? Entonces debe el hombre crecer en un mundo donde el error está presente y la falsedad siempre es posible.

6. ¿Es el idealismo y la estabilidad —el concepto de aproximación a lo divino— deseables? Entonces el hombre debe luchar en un entorno de relativa bondad y belleza, entorno estimulante del alcance irreprimible de cosas mejores.

7. ¿Es la lealtad y la dedicación — la devoción al deber más elevado — deseable? Entonces el hombre debe seguir adelante en medio de las posibilidades de traición y deserción. El valor de la devoción al deber consiste en el peligro implícito de incumplimiento.

8. ¿Es el desprendimiento y la generosidad —el espíritu de olvido de sí mismo— deseables? Entonces el hombre mortal debe vivir cara a cara con el incesante clamor de un yo ineludible por el reconocimiento y el honor. El hombre no podría elegir dinámicamente la vida divina si no hubiera una vida propia que abandonar. El hombre nunca podría aferrarse a la justicia si no hubiera un mal potencial que exaltara y diferenciara el bien por contraste.

9. ¿Es el placer y la seguridad —la satisfacción de la felicidad— deseables? Entonces el hombre debe vivir en un mundo donde la alternativa del dolor y la probabilidad del sufrimiento son posibilidades experienciales siempre presentes.

En todo el universo, cada unidad se considera una parte del todo. La supervivencia de la parte depende de la cooperación con el plan y el propósito del todo, el deseo de todo corazón y la perfecta voluntad de hacer la voluntad divina del Padre. El único mundo evolutivo sin error (la posibilidad de un juicio imprudente) sería un mundo sin inteligencia libre.

Salvington Planetary Prince School of Remembrance

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
ad servitium veritas get vita

Come, Follow Me
The Good Shepherd of Dignity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life."
-Michael Of Nebadon

Walking with Christ Michael
The Beautiful Shepherd of Integrity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.”
-Michael Of Nebadon

Teaching the Way of Christ Michael 
The True Shepherd of Unity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life." 
-Michael Of Nebadon

Pray with Me to develop the eternity fruits of prayerful intimacy worshipful communion 

Thou Children of Urantia 
Become a Planetary Shepherd of Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

The uncertainties of life and the vicissitudes of existence do not in any manner contradict the concept of the universal sovereignty of God. All evolutionary creature life is beset by certain inevitabilities. 

Consider the following in your walk with the Sovereign Father Son of Nebadon:

1. Is courage and visionary purpose— strength of character — desirable? Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.

2. Is altruism and selflessness— service of one’s fellows — desirable? Then must 
life experience provide for encountering situations of social inequality.

3. Is hope and certainty — the grandeur of trust — desirable? Then human existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.

4. Is faith and serenity  — the supreme assertion of human thought — desirable? Then must the mind of man find itself in that troublesome predicament where it ever knows less than it can believe.

5. Is the love of truth and honor, and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.

6. Is idealism and stability— the approaching concept of the divine — desirable? Then must man struggle in an environment of relative goodness and beauty, surroundings stimulative of the irrepressible reach for better things.

7. Is loyalty and dedication— devotion to highest duty — desirable? Then must man carry on amid the possibilities of betrayal and desertion. The valor of devotion to duty consists in the implied danger of default.

8. Is unselfishness and generosity — the spirit of self-forgetfulness — desirable? Then must mortal man live face to face with the incessant clamoring of an inescapable self for recognition and honor. Man could not dynamically choose the divine life if there were no self-life to forsake. Man could never lay saving hold on righteousness if there were no potential evil to exalt and differentiate the good by contrast.

9. Is pleasure and security— the satisfaction of happiness — desirable? Then must man live in a world where the alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever-present experiential possibilities.

Throughout the universe, every unit is regarded as a part of the whole. Survival of the part is dependent on cooperation with the plan and purpose of the whole, the wholehearted desire and perfect willingness to do the Father’s divine will. The only evolutionary world without error (the possibility of unwise judgment) would be a world without free intelligence.

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
ad servitium veritas get vita

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Mind of Eden

Venid, Seguidme
El Buen Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la bondad y el amor

"Vosotros estaréis viviendo, aprendiendo y enseñando las Revelaciones de mi Evangelio del Siglo XXI. Todas las vidas humanas desenvolverán su existencia a través de esta relación personal guiada por el espíritu con la Vida Individualizada del Padre".
-Michael Of Nebadon

Caminando con Chris Michael
El Hermoso Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Alianza y la Asociación

"He venido a nutrir, preservar y proteger estos derechos naturales y soberanos inalienables de la humanidad para la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la felicidad, diseñados para asegurar un autogobierno individual bueno y receptivo en el uso de su libre albedrío en la adquisición del conocimiento y el uso de la intuición, la razón y la sensación; para educar, nutrir y establecer dentro del alcance del individuo las dotaciones de todas las facultades, capacidades, sensibilidades y poderes en alianza y lealtad con los grandes Circuitos de la Deidad a fin de hacer avanzar a ese individuo y permitir que sus capacidades soberanas naturales surjan y prosperen. "
-Michael Of Nebadon

Enseñando el Camino de Christ Michael 
El Verdadero Pastor
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds de la Verdad y la Transparencia

"A medida que confiáis en vuestro Espíritu Ajustador Morante para enseñaros y guiaros, y a medida que recibís y luego vivís mi evangelio, así os edificaréis mutuamente mientras os regocijáis juntos al comprender a sabiendas que habéis encontrado Mi Camino, Verdad y Vida." 
-Michael Of Nebadon

Orad Conmigo para desarrollar los frutos eternos de la intimidad orante y la comunión adoradora 

Vosotros, Hijos de Urantia 
Convertíos en un Pastor Planetario de Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

Las incertidumbres de la vida y las vicisitudes de la existencia no contradicen en modo alguno el concepto de la soberanía universal de Dios. Toda la vida de las criaturas evolutivas está acosada por ciertas inevitabilidades. 

Considerad lo siguiente en vuestro caminar con el Padre Soberano Hijo de Nebadon:

1. ¿Es el coraje y el propósito visionario — la fuerza de carácter — deseable? Entonces, el hombre debe ser criado en un entorno que requiera enfrentarse a las dificultades y reaccionar ante las decepciones.

2. ¿Es el altruismo y la abnegación—el servicio a los fraternos —deseable? Entonces, la experiencia de la vida debe prever el encuentro con situaciones de desigualdad social.

3. ¿Es la esperanza y la certeza —la grandeza de la confianza— deseables? Entonces la existencia humana debe enfrentarse constantemente a inseguridades e incertidumbres recurrentes.

4. ¿Es la fe y la serenidad —la afirmación suprema del pensamiento humano— deseables? Entonces la mente del hombre debe encontrarse en ese problemático aprieto en el que siempre sabe menos de lo que puede creer.

5. ¿Es el amor a la verdad y al honor, y la voluntad de ir a donde sea que esto conduzca, deseable? Entonces debe el hombre crecer en un mundo donde el error está presente y la falsedad siempre es posible.

6. ¿Es el idealismo y la estabilidad —el concepto de aproximación a lo divino— deseables? Entonces el hombre debe luchar en un entorno de relativa bondad y belleza, entorno estimulante del alcance irreprimible de cosas mejores.

7. ¿Es la lealtad y la dedicación — la devoción al deber más elevado — deseable? Entonces el hombre debe seguir adelante en medio de las posibilidades de traición y deserción. El valor de la devoción al deber consiste en el peligro implícito de incumplimiento.

8. ¿Es el desprendimiento y la generosidad —el espíritu de olvido de sí mismo— deseables? Entonces el hombre mortal debe vivir cara a cara con el incesante clamor de un yo ineludible por el reconocimiento y el honor. El hombre no podría elegir dinámicamente la vida divina si no hubiera una vida propia que abandonar. El hombre nunca podría aferrarse a la justicia si no hubiera un mal potencial que exaltara y diferenciara el bien por contraste.

9. ¿Es el placer y la seguridad —la satisfacción de la felicidad— deseables? Entonces el hombre debe vivir en un mundo donde la alternativa del dolor y la probabilidad del sufrimiento son posibilidades experienciales siempre presentes.

En todo el universo, cada unidad se considera una parte del todo. La supervivencia de la parte depende de la cooperación con el plan y el propósito del todo, el deseo de todo corazón y la perfecta voluntad de hacer la voluntad divina del Padre. El único mundo evolutivo sin error (la posibilidad de un juicio imprudente) sería un mundo sin inteligencia libre.

Salvington Planetary Prince School of Remembrance

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
ad servitium veritas get vita

Come, Follow Me
The Good Shepherd of Dignity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

“Ye shall be living, learning, and teaching the Revelations of my 21st Century Gospel. All human lives shall unwrap their existence through this personal spirit-led relationship with the Father's Individualized Life."
-Michael Of Nebadon

Walking with Christ Michael
The Beautiful Shepherd of Integrity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

“I am come to nurture, preserve, and protect these natural and sovereign inalienable rights of humankind to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness designed to ensure good and responsive individual self-government in the use of their free will in the acquisition of knowledge and use of intuition, reason, and sensation; to further educate, nurture and establish within the grasp of the individual the endowments of all faculties, capacities, sensibilities, and powers in league and allegiance with the great Circuits of Deity in order to advance that individual and allow his natural sovereign capabilities to emerge and prosper.”
-Michael Of Nebadon

Teaching the Way of Christ Michael 
The True Shepherd of Unity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

"As ye rely upon thine Indwelling Adjuster Spirit in teaching and guiding you, and as ye are receiving and then living my gospel, so shall you each become mutually edified whilst rejoicing together in knowingly understanding that you have found My Way, Truth, and Life." 
-Michael Of Nebadon

Pray with Me to develop the eternity fruits of prayerful intimacy worshipful communion 

Thou Children of Urantia 
Become a Planetary Shepherd of Jesus Michael Of Nebadon

The uncertainties of life and the vicissitudes of existence do not in any manner contradict the concept of the universal sovereignty of God. All evolutionary creature life is beset by certain inevitabilities. 

Consider the following in your walk with the Sovereign Father Son of Nebadon:

1. Is courage and visionary purpose— strength of character — desirable? Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.

2. Is altruism and selflessness— service of one’s fellows — desirable? Then must 
life experience provide for encountering situations of social inequality.

3. Is hope and certainty — the grandeur of trust — desirable? Then human existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.

4. Is faith and serenity  — the supreme assertion of human thought — desirable? Then must the mind of man find itself in that troublesome predicament where it ever knows less than it can believe.

5. Is the love of truth and honor, and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.

6. Is idealism and stability— the approaching concept of the divine — desirable? Then must man struggle in an environment of relative goodness and beauty, surroundings stimulative of the irrepressible reach for better things.

7. Is loyalty and dedication— devotion to highest duty — desirable? Then must man carry on amid the possibilities of betrayal and desertion. The valor of devotion to duty consists in the implied danger of default.

8. Is unselfishness and generosity — the spirit of self-forgetfulness — desirable? Then must mortal man live face to face with the incessant clamoring of an inescapable self for recognition and honor. Man could not dynamically choose the divine life if there were no self-life to forsake. Man could never lay saving hold on righteousness if there were no potential evil to exalt and differentiate the good by contrast.

9. Is pleasure and security— the satisfaction of happiness — desirable? Then must man live in a world where the alternative of pain and the likelihood of suffering are ever-present experiential possibilities.

Throughout the universe, every unit is regarded as a part of the whole. Survival of the part is dependent on cooperation with the plan and purpose of the whole, the wholehearted desire and perfect willingness to do the Father’s divine will. The only evolutionary world without error (the possibility of unwise judgment) would be a world without free intelligence.

Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds
ad servitium veritas get vita

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The New Humanity of Edentia

Planetary Inauguration of First Contact

The City of Michael 

Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter

Edentia Society of Jerusem
Planetary Prince Isles of Eternity

The Planetary Citizenship
Planetary Prince Soul Villages of the Great Adonai

The City of Michael Activities . . . 

1. Michael Of Nebadon Live Adonai Sundays on Google Meet

2. The Walk of First Contact at the Edentia Society of Jerusem includes the following transformative services…

a. The Planetary Consideration Urantia Studies on Twitter Spaces for Readers, Believers, and the New Faithfulness of Humankind.

b. The Planetary Communion of the Way of entering the Altar of the Paradise Adjuster of God Authority; the Planetary Communion with the Great Adonai.

c. The Planetary Counsel of the Truth of the Endowment of Personality Creative Authorship; the Planetary Counsels of the Harvest.

d. The Planetary Confessional of the Life of Universe Association; The Planetary Confessional of Truthfulness, Transparency, and Gentle Tenderness.

e. The Planetary Cooperation helping to develop and deepen the Master Spirit Volitions.

f. The Planetary Curriculum of the Advancement towards Candidacy for Cosmic Citizenship; the Planetary Curriculum reviews and guides in the understanding of Salvington principles and precepts.

3. City of Michael public writings and audios on Blogger, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud, YouTube, & Tumblr

4. The Planetary Inauguration on Facebook Messenger

5. Planetary Group Communities and Pages on Facebook

6. The Planetary Prince Isles of Imperium College and the Healing Services

7. An Opportunity for application and admission into Salvington Planetary Prince School and its University Campus Virtual

Write to The Planetary Inauguration and the Office of First Contact with the Celestial Government of Nebadon and the Creator Father Son Michael

Write to:

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Edentia Society of Jerusem

Edentia Society of Jerusem
The New Humanity of Faithfulness
novus ordo societatis

Come, Follow Christ Michael in the Way of True Authority in the increasing benevolence of true capacity and the acceleration unto dignity

The Good Shepherd of Dignity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Goodness and Love

Walking with Christ Michael in the Truth of Personality Authorship in the integration of personality through growing a character made of righteousness and of integrity

The Beautiful Shepherd of Integrity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Allegiance and Association

Teaching the Life of Universe Association and Ascendancy as the capacity and character unfolds into the unity of consciousness

The True Shepherd of Unity
Michael Of Nebadon Worldwide Shepherds of Truth and Transparency

As registered members of the New Humanity of Faithfulness, you have now access to Edentia Society of Jerusem services...

Planetary Inauguration of First Contact

The City of Michael 

Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter

Edentia Society of Jerusem

Planetary Prince Isles of Eternity

The Planetary Citizenship

Planetary Prince Soul Villages of the Great Adonai

The City of Michael Services and Activities . . . 

1. Michael Of Nebadon Live Adonai Sundays on Google Meet

2. The Walk of First Contact at the Edentia Society of Jerusem includes the following transformative services…

a. The Planetary Consideration Urantia Studies on Twitter Spaces for Readers, Believers, and the New Faithfulness of Humankind.

b. The Planetary Communion of the Way of entering the Altar of the Paradise Adjuster of God Authority; the Planetary Communion with the Great Adonai.

c. The Planetary Counsel of the Truth of the Endowment of Personality Creative Authorship; the Planetary Counsels of the Harvest.

d. The Planetary Confessional of the Life of Universe Association; The Planetary Confessional of Truthfulness, Transparency, and Gentle Tenderness.

e. The Planetary Cooperation helping to develop and deepen the Master Spirit Volitions.

f. The Planetary Curriculum of the Advancement towards Candidacy for Cosmic Citizenship; the Planetary Curriculum reviews and guides in the understanding of Salvington principles and precepts.

3. City of Michael public writings and audios on Blogger, Medium, Twitter, Facebook, Soundcloud, YouTube, & Tumblr

4. The Planetary Inauguration on Facebook Messenger

5. Planetary Group Communities and Pages on Facebook

6. The Planetary Prince Isles of Imperium College and the Healing Services

7. An Opportunity for application and admission into Salvington Planetary Prince School and its University Campus Virtual

Write to The Planetary Inauguration and the Office of First Contact with the Celestial Government of Nebadon and the Creator Father Son Michael

Write to:

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Friday, August 4, 2023

The Eden of the Mind

"In the dignity of God's amplifying glory .. the integrity of personality authorship mastery .. and the unifying victory of Paradise Adjuster coordination .. individuals complete their soul persona candidacy of lifetimes.

"We are preparing the eden of the mind for the broad acceptance of this revelation and the coming of other Epochal Dispensations of Paradise Sons to your world.

"This newly forming edentia of mind awakens in the life of the disciple the Indwelling evolutionizing Impulse of Divinity, and an ennoblement of character depth shall accelerate progressively with good moral choices. 

Michael Of Nebadon 
Edentia Society of Jerusem 
novus ordo societatis

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. The Christ Michael Papers. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Dedication of Glorifying God the One Reality

Edentia Society of Jerusem 
novus ordo societatis

Michael Of Nebadon Live Adonai Sundays begin at 11am pst.

The Planetary Citizenship of the New Humanity of Faithfulness at the  Edentia Society of Jerusem
gloria triumphi dominationis excitat

City of Michael gospel preachings of devotion, desire, and dedication.

Planetary Inauguration of First Contact gives you access to the 21st century holy scriptures of the Universe Father Son and Spirit.

Planetary Cities of the Holy Comforter offers the outreaching services of healing forgiveness.

The Planetary Citizenship of the New Humanity of Faithfulness brings togetherness for all of like-minded faith, hope, and charity.

The Walk of First Contact at the Edentia Society of Jerusem grants accessibility to the Creator Father Son Michael Of Nebadon.

"Thou City of Michael fellows who are of the New Humanity of Faithfulness . . . 

Christ Michael's Invocational Instruction and Praise Adoration...

"Thine Holy Walk of First Contact with the Universe Mother and I Michael give to you the beginnings .. of permanence within God's Sovereignty .. an everlasting certainty unfolds for every individual, a transcendent security emerges progressively throughout the developing personhood .. new meanings and values of purpose, plan and direction, priority, and a surprisingly benevolent purity come forth for your personal existence.

"In the dignity of God's amplifying glory .. the integrity of personality authorship mastery .. and the unifying victory of Paradise Adjuster coordination .. individuals complete their soul persona candidacy of lifetimes.

"We are preparing the eden of the mind for the broad acceptance of this revelation and the coming of other Epochal Dispensations of Paradise Sons to your world.

"This newly forming edentia of mind awakens in the life of the disciple the Indwelling evolutionizing Impulse of Divinity, and an ennoblement of character depth shall accelerate progressively with good moral choices. 

"Individuals shall cultivate a vast dignity of capacity of evolutionary urges, the ennobling integrity of righteousness in character harmony, and the unlimited ascent unto a more unifying consciousness .. an immaculate conception of an ideology wherein unity shall be established.

"Ponder thine urges for unfoldment.

"Contemplate thine determinations for seeing, touching, tasting, and fully experiencing the reality of God.

"Behold in thine consciousness the everywhereness of Spirit Life nourishing all atomic substance .. every biological cell .. giving to each electron of light the nourishment of Eternity.

"Perceive with the mind of thine soul personality the One Spirit Life flowing in and around and through every creature. 

"To walk with Me is to be willing to experience a change daily and weekly, and a renewal of mind and a cleansing of the heart's urges to emulate the One Deity Persona .. this opens upward your availability to receive those necessary preparations for mind attainment and soul advancement.

"I am come unto the planetary pastures of this Urantia world to enlarge all conceptualizations of Deity, Divinity, and Reality, and the way to become engaged within  the Great Circuitry of the One Deity."

Christ Michael
Salvington School of the Prince Campus

Write us to become a member of the New Humanity.

Office of the Planetary Inauguration

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. The Christ Michael Papers. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Join the New Humanity

Edentia Society of Jerusem

Welcome and Adonai unto the Life of God who lives in you and which you are becoming in all ways . . .

The idea of becoming a member of the New Humanity .. the Ideal of growing into the fullness of love, wisdom, and empowerment with the Spirit Life .. of leaving behind the old humanity with its crutches of ephemerality and walking upright in greater happiness and wholeness .. of making a clean break from the old and antiquated human being struggling and suffering unnecessarily .. arising into the progressively ascending new human being who is accepting evolution gradually advancing in the ways of the Universal Parenthood of all Life .. allowing the beautiful changes to occur in order to enter into the Kingdom of the Universes .. aligning with the higher Life .. atoning with joy, enthusiasm, and gratitude .. for the past learnings, and entering the New Humanity capable of advancing into Light and Life.

This is the Edentia Society of Jerusem and the Salvington Planetary Prince School of Dignity, Integrity, and Unity. 

As a registered member of the New Humanity, you are stating to the universe of universes that your individual choice is to break free of the planetary enslavement by becoming awake, aware, and available to new meanings and more elevated values .. to develop new and higher priorities .. to progressively learn with Michael of Nebadon and the Universe Spirit Mother to walk in mind dignity, personality integrity, and personhood soul unity. 

Each and every Sunday, Christ Michael offers His Adonai blessing during our Sunday Congregation accessible directly from your home. It is a virtual congregation worldwide with members throughout the planet coming to receive of the Celestial Government and its Host of the Planet.

The Michael Of Nebadon Live Adonai Sunday Congregation link will now be available to you as a registered member of Edentia Society of Jerusem.

The Planetary Citizenship of the Newly Faithful of Edentia Society of Jerusem
gloria triumphi dominationis excitat

The Newly Faithful of Humanity
veritas lucis aeternae

Edentia Society of Jerusem
novus ordo societatis

Write us to become a registered member. Office of the Planetary Inauguration and First Contact.

© 2023 Sovrnty Salvington. The Christ Michael Papers. Michael Of Nebadon Sovereign Trust. All rights reserved.

Proclamation of Nebadon

Come unto Me .. the First and Second Persons of the One Deity in Nebadon .. and ye shall  receive rest and the everlasting faith...